Iryna Perova was born on June 17, 1939 in Odessa in a family of the theatre producer and actress. Having completed the High school and the Art School in Kiev she was in 1958 admitted to Moscow Higher Artistic Specialized School (Stroganov) under the mentorship of Prof. V.A. Vasilyev, former student of Wassily Kandinsky.


​From 1964 to 2000 Iryna Perova worked in various project organizations and artistic foundations in the style of monumental decorative fine art. At the same time she participated in various exhibitions. In her work she has used materials such as: mosaic, tempera, porcelain and ceramics, metal and wood. Her early work is influenced by Michail Wrubel and other artists of the ‘silver age.’ The past 15 years the artist has been painting on canvas using oil and acrylics. Iryna Perova is a member of the National Artists Society of Ukraine. She lives and works in Germany.

